Saturday, January 05, 2008

So, I'm currently helping Bug with his research on his next English paper. This paper is to be about a place, any place in the world, and how it is significant to us. His previous assignment was about a person, any person from history, born before 1970. Bug chose Hannibal for that paper. Of course when choosing this particular historical figure, Bug thought Hannibal was the cannibalistic serial killer, who was the protagonist in the movies Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, and Hannibal Rising, none of which he's seen, mind you. We soon found out that Hannibal is a real person and is NOT a serial killer. In fact, he is not only a Carthaginian general that lived from 247 to 183 BC, but he managed to accomplish one of the greatest feats in military history when he marched on Rome. His strategies are still used today and, honestly, now that I have done the research with Bug on this great general, not only can I pretty much tell you what was so great about this man I had never heard of, but I have added him to my list of people it would be cool to have lunch with.

Now that you are armed with this information. Guess the place my twelve year old son wants to write about. Go ahead, guess! I double dog dare you! I bet you will never get close...

Okay, I'll give it to you: Buchenwald.

For those of you that do not know what or where Buchenwald is, it is one of the largest concentration camps that was built during the Holocaust and is located in Germany. And, frankly, because I like to be frank with you good people that make up my fan club, I got depressed within 30 seconds of reading about this horrific place. So depressed that not only did I quit the little bit of research that I did on the internet and told Bug that "I found the information, at least two sites. So, now you need to do the research and come up with something. I'm done", but I provided a link for you good people here on my blog. Misery loves company right? So, although I want all of you to be happy and whatnot, I do not want to carry this information alone! Nor do I want to help Bug with this paper. I mean, it was tough enough to focus on all of the boring military mumbo-jumbo when helping with the last paper and here I've got to face yet again ( I took a class called Facing History and Ourselves in highschool that delved about shoulder deep into the cruelties of the holocaust - no wonder highschool was so emotionally tough for me!). So, basically, I'm complaining to you my lovely fan club.

But do not worry yourselves too much. I will survive. Yes I will come out of this radiating joy! My triumph will be the new recipes that I accomplish. See, I'm not just checking out the horrid research that must be read by Bug, but also, I'm checking out another cook book. I'm going to be cooking up a storm. It's the only true way to overcome any type of depression. And I can't eat all this food by myself! So, anyone want to come over and eat?


Rimshot said...

A bachelor such as myself never declines an invitation to a home-cooked meal.

Is there anything I can bring?

Cay said...

Wine. Red. ;)