Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I just wanted to take this time to share a little information concerning my favorite butterfly: The Monarch.
Not only are they poisonous to predators, but also, they migrate. Check it out:

Unlike most other insects in temperate climates, Monarch butterflies cannot survive a long cold winter. Instead, they spend the winter in roosting spots. Monarchs west of the Rocky Mountains travel to small groves of trees along the California coast. Those east of the Rocky Mountains fly farther south to the forests high in the mountains of Mexico. The monarch's migration is driven by seasonal changes. Daylength and temperature changes influence the movement of the Monarch.
Fall Map (40K)In all the world, no butterflies migrate like the Monarchs of North America. They travel much farther than all other tropical butterflies, up to three thousand miles. They are the only butterflies to make such a long, two way migration every year. Amazingly, they fly in masses to the same winter roosts, often to the exact same trees. Their migration is more the type we expect from birds or whales. However, unlike birds and whales, individuals only make the round-trip once. It is their children's grandchildren that return south the following fall.

You can find this and more interesting information at Although, it doesn't mention that Monarchs take up residence in the eucalyptus trees along the Santa Cruz, California coast, merely a two hour drive from my home (if you drive with way Mr. Peevyhouse drives, which we all should, lest we desire to receive the muttered-behind-closed-doors-and-car-windows comments). Which is yet another reason to retire in the Santa Cruz Area: Monarch Migration. Imagine the site of Monarch's flying out in the Spring and then returning in the Autumn, bringing all of those beautiful colors with them, as if they are painting the trees with their wings.


Jason said...

That's Jedi Peevyhouse to you, Cay. *Insert Jedi mind trick here* Where are your ideas for my birthday that you mentioned on my blog?

Cay said...

Oops, my list is gone. Can'tbelieve it! I'll make a new one, then you can see how to make a list of more than four things so that all those people that love you can buy you lovely things.