Friday, September 22, 2006

It's Friday morning and I feel the Wild Thing inside of me waking. By this afternoon me sweet and quiet side (yes, it exists) will vanish. Then I will be a Wild Thing and I will gnash my terrible teeth and growl my terrible growl. Of course I won't be just ANY old wild thing. I will be Max, King of the Wild things.

Yes, Max. I can relate to Max. I've often been sent to bed with no supper and visited the Land of the Wild Things. The fact that Max not only knew to visit the place, but was KING, well, come on, that is cause for admiration to say the least!

And, once I have become King of the Wild Things, or Queen for those of you who need to be gender specific on your titles, I will go home and eat leftovers, foregoing my motherly responsibilities of making a well balanced meal, and possibly allow my son to stay up, beating me at card games. Watch out world. It's going to be WILD!


Cheryl said...

Sendak has a new book out. It's supposed to be a twisted take on the Are You My Mother? theme. Something you might want to look for since you like his other stuff.

Cheryl said...

I have recorded an online Seinfeld moment for you on my blog. It involves an argument over manuscript boxes.

Now you must record one for me!

Cheryl said...

Is a new post in the works? Don't get us excited for nothing.