Sunday, March 02, 2008

Okay, I'm a terrible mom. I just typed up my son's paper for English class. No, I didn't write it. I just typed up what he had handwritten. Did you know that 7th grade teachers want the students to turn in typed up rough drafts? It's absurd, if you ask me, but who am I to say. I'm not the teacher.

Again, I digress. See, I honestly don't think it's bad that I typed up this rough draft. He's done all the others and I've insisted on it, although it does take him quite a bit of time. However, when he began his usual pleading of me to type this paper up my cloudy and sleepy mind came up with the cleverest idea since, well, let's just say for a bit now. Oh, it's so very clever. You are going to love this: I sold my typing skills to the boy for the payment of one toilet scrubbing. And not a sometime-in-the-future-scrubbing. It's a today scrubbing. Yes! My toilet will once again be clean. It's been since the last time I had a clever idea. I'm going to have to really start eating some avocados and other brain food so I can get these ideas coming on a more regular basis. It would be nice to have a cleaner home and if I'm not going to do it, I can definitely barter services to get the child to do it. See, I'm an awful mom.