Monday, December 03, 2007

I love Christmas trees. I love the lights, the pretty bows, the individual decorations that mark milestones in the life of a family. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is sitting in front of the lit up, fully decorated tree, with all the house lights out, contemplating the simple beauty of the season, of the complexities of the human heart, of the very tree before me while sipping hot chocolate or some steamy chai. It is a tradition that my mother and I had together and one that I carry on, often alone as my son has been too young to fully enjoy this little tradition until recently. And, owing to the fact that trees are expensive and we simply cannot indulge our desires in that avenue, I thought I would not have that tradition at all this year. It did not phase me at all. I am so full of the spirit this year that having nothing, or close to, will not phase me. I will give what I can and trust that God will make it more than I ever dreamed it to be. Just like the story of the feeding of the crowd with just a few fish and a few loaves of bread.

So, I was not going to have a tree. Instead I was thinking of all the wonderful ways I was going to decorate my home. Last year I had moved and did not have the energy or space to decorate, but this year is different and so my excitement and spirit are high. And, as I came in from my lunch of shopping for ideas for gifts and sat down in my cube, my spirits rose even higher. There on my floor was a four foot plastic tree in a box. My office Secret Santa had decided to give me my present early according to the attached note. Immediately I turned away from my lunch partner and grabbed at my tissues. Tears had welled up. I don't know if my Secret Santa will ever know how much they have touched my life. Just to make sure that they know how very grateful I am I told all of my office friends, letting them know exactly how much the thought means to me and to thank my Secret Santa. There's no way to truly express my gratitude or to show how wonderful they have made my life by this simple gesture. I pray that they are rewarded with blessings upon blessings.