Monday, November 27, 2006

Yup. I'm moving. Unforseen events have forced me to change locations. And jobs. And immediate social circles (well, that had been changing anyway). Hey, I knew 2006 would be a year of change, only I had no idea the change would be in every aspect of my life.
I must admit, I really wasn't looking for a change. I knew I needed one: I hated the job that I no longer work more than I care to admit (can we say BORING??) and, though my apartment in the 1920's style home was "charming" in terms of architecture, it lacked heat, proper screens, and a yard. Also, the prompting of my move to the island, a growing friendship that promised a new circle of friends and a supportive network, had long since evaporated, causing the chill to linger in my non-insulated, mouse riddled apartment. I know, the mice should have been company enough, but I don't speak Squeek and the little rodent has since died.
Of course I looked for ways to make my life work, to make lemons out of lemonade. I have been doing this dance for years and so just kept on dancing. But I don't think God wanted me to dance those steps anymore. See, though I was still trying hard to make the colors of my rainbow bright enough to see, God apparently decided that good enough was not enough for me. So, I lost my job, had no savings to fall back on, and was not finding a job while I was employed (applied, applied, applied, nada, nada, nada). Of course we all know that no money means no rent means no apartment.
So, I called my sister, my little sister, that is. She gave me the same temporary agency number she gave me a year and a half before. Nothing had changed except my thinking. Desperation opens your mind to all sorts of possibilities. So, I called. And, within two days of loosing the job I hated for the last two and a half years, I got a job. Not just a job, mind you, but a job doing corporate relocation. Foreign familiarity. A total and complete answering of prayers: silent, spoken, and merely felt prayers. I never dreamed that a prayer of mine, a prayer for me would ever be answered so ovewhelmingly. My cup runneth over.
And so I am moving. I found a charming duplex: larger than my victorian charmer with an entertainer's back patio, a garage for my Black Betty, and a large front yard. The absent landlord of my Alameda apartment is letting me out of my lease (smart move, I could have taken them through the ringer with lawsuits) and I am already making friends and creating a network. My cup runneth over.
Guess I've been just a little busy, what with rebuilding my life and all. And, though I have been absent for a bit, and I may be absent for a bit more, I promise I will be back. Think of me as the Cayminator. Or not. Yeah, probably not. But I will be back.